Use Audition as a real-time voice changer. Change your voice pitch in real time for an online chat or to fully immerse yourself in your troll avatar when playing video games like Fortnite or Minecraft. Click the Multitrack button in the upper left corner of your screen. Start a new Multitrack Session. Audition is a comprehensive toolset that includes multitrack, waveform, and spectral display for creating, mixing, editing, and restoring audio content. This powerful audio workstation is designed to accelerate video production workflows and audio finishing — and deliver a polished mix with pristine sound.
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Using Adobe Audition
Top 10 'A' computer-related terms |
Assembly Language ASCII Array of Pointers Address Bar Absolute Location Alignment Abacus Active Cell AT AC Adapter |
A - Number |
A A: A:> A* A+ A-0 a2p A4 A4 paper A4 processor A4Tech A20 A20 handler A20 line A500 A600 A1000 A1200 A2000 A3000 A4000 |
A - A |
A - B |
AB Abacus Abandonware Abandon warez A-B box Abbrev Abbreviation Abbr tag ABBYY ABC Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abend Aberration ABIOS ABIT ABITHIWTIDB Abiword ABM file ABN Abnormal end AboCom Abort Abort, Ignore, Retry, Fail Abort, Retry, Fail About About box About page About us Above fold Above the fold ABP ABS Absent without leave Absolute address Absolute cell Absolute cell reference Absolute cell referencing Absolute coding Absolute column Absolute coordinates Absolute domain name Absolute link Absolute location Absolute path Absolute reference Absolute row Absolute value Abstraction Abstract syntax number one Abstract syntax tree ABT2 |
A - C |
AC AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 AC'97 A-cable AC adapter Acard Accelerated graphic port Accelerated graphics port Accelerated processing unit Accelerator Accelerator key Accelerometer Accelio Accented letters Accent grave Accent mark Accents Acceptable policies Acceptable policy Acceptable use Acceptable use policy Access Access arm Access card AccessChk Access control Access control entry Access control list Access control system Access denied AccessEnum Access key Access light Access log Access management Access number Accessories Accessory Access path Access point Access point SSID Access provider Access rights Access server Access software Access speed Access time Access violation Acclaim Accolade AC converter AC cord Account Account harvesting Accounting machine Account lockout Account name Account settings Acct Accton Technology Corporation Accumulator Accuracy AccuRev ACD AC/DC adapter Acdsee ACD Systems ACDT ACE Aceex Acer Acer America Acer Netxus Acer Peripherals Acid3 ACK Acknowledgment ACL ACL2 ACM Acorp Acorp Electronics Acoustic coupler [email protected] Acoustic Transform Adaptive Coding ACPI AC power ACR Acrobat Acrobat file Acrobat Pro Acrobat Reader Acronis Acronyms Acronym tag ACS ACST Act Confrencing Actian Actima Action Center ActionFront ActionMedia ActionScript Action statement Action tag ActionTec Activate Activated Activation Activation code Activation key Active Active backplane Active cell Active Desktop Active directory Active Directory Service Interface Active heat sink Active hyperlink Active learning Active-matrix Active-matrix display Active-matrix LCD Active-matrix OLED Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode Active partition Active pen Active program Active server page Active sheet ActiveState Active stylus ActiveSync Active tab Active topology Active window Active worksheet ActiveX ActiveX component ActiveX Data Object Activision Activity History Activity light Activity Monitor Actual cell rate Actuator Actuator arm ACube Systems Acute Acute accent Acyclic graph |
A - D |
A-D A.D. Ad Ada ADAD Adaptec Adaptec by PMC Adapter Adapter card Adaptive Server Enterprise Adaptive technologies Adaptive technology Adaptive web design Adaptive web programming Adaptive website Adaptor ADATA ADB Ad banner ADBB AdBlock AdBlock Plus ADC AdChoices Add Add and remove programs Add bookmark Add border Add cell Add column Add directory Adder Add file Add folder Addgroup Add hard drive Add hardware Add hyperlink Add-in Add-in board Addition Addition record Add link Addlink Technology Add memory Add mouse Add network card Add new printer Add-on Add-on card Addonics Add or Remove Programs Add printer Add RAM Add/Remove Programs Address Address and routing parameter area Address bar Address book Address box Address bus Addresses Address record Address register Address resolution protocol AddressSanitizer Address space Address spoof Address tag Address toolbar Address URL Add row Add sound card Adduser Add video card Adex Electronics AdExplorer Ad hoc Ad hoc network Ad hoc polymorphism Adic ADIH Ad injector AdInsight ADIP Adjacency list Adjacency matrix Adjacent range Adlib multimedia Admin Admin$ Admin e-mail Administration Administrative Administrative right Administrative share Administrator Administrator rights Administrator Tools Admin rights ADN Ad network ADO Adobe Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Connect Adobe Acrobat reader Adobe After Effects Adobe AIR Adobe Animate Adobe Audition Adobe Bridge Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe creative suite Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash Adobe Flash player Adobe Fonts Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator file Adobe InDesign Adobe Lightroom Adobe PageMaker Adobe PDF Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Portfolio Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Premiere Rush Adobe Reader Adobe XD ADPCM ADR AdRestore A: drive Ad rotation ADS AdSense AdSense account ADSI ADSL ADSL broadband ADSM Ad space ADT Ad trafficking Adtran Advanced Audio Coding Advanced BIOS Advanced configuration & power interface Advanced Display Settings Advanced Encryption Standard Advanced graphics port Advanced Host Controller Interface Advanced interactive executive Advanced Logic Industries Advanced Micro Devices Advanced packaging tool Advanced persistent threat Advanced power management Advanced preferences Advanced processing unit Advanced Research Projects Agency Advanced SCSI programming interface Advanced technology Advanced Technology Attachment Advanced technology extended Advanced transfer cache Advanced user Advanced Video Coding Advance Mode AdvanSys Advantage ADVENT Adventure Advertise Advertisement Advertiser Advertising Advisory Adware Adware detector Adware scanner AdWords |
A - E |
AE AEAP Aegis AEL AE Lock Aerial Aero Aerocool Aero Peek AES Aewm |
A - F |
AF AFAGAY AFAHMASP AFAIC AFAICS AFAICT AFAIK AFAIR AFAIU AFAP AFAYC AFC AFDN Affiliate Affiliate program Affiliate website Affinity photo AFIAA AFINIAFI AFJ AFK AFREEY Africa scam AFS After Effects AfterStep AFZ |
A - G |
Age generation Age group Agent Age of Empires Age, Sex, and Location Age, Sex, Location, and Picture AGFA Aggragator Aggregate Aggregation Aggregator Aggro Agile development methods Agile manifesto AGKWE AGP AGP 2.0 AGP 3.0 AGP 8x AGP aperture AGP aperture size AGP bus AGP card AGP connector AGP in-line memory module AGP port AGP Pro AGP slot AGP video card Agrep |
A - H |
aha! software AHCI Ahead software A href A href tag |
A - I |
AI AIAMU Aided design AI file AIH AIM AIMB AIMBOT AIML AIMM AIMP AIMS LAB AIO Airbnb Airbook Air cooling AirDrop Air gap Air-gapped Air-gapping Airplane mode AirPlay AirPods AirPort AirTunes Air wall AISE AISI AIX AIX partition |
A - J |
A - K |
AKA A key Akismet |
A - L |
ALAP Alarm Albatron Alcatel Aldus Alert Alert box Alert dialog Alert window Alexa Alexa dot Alexa Voice Remote ALGOL ALGOL 58 ALGOL 60 ALGOL 68 Algorithm Algorithmic language ALi Alias Aliasing Alibaba Alice Alicebot ALi chipset Alien Skin Software Alienware Align Align center Aligned Aligned center Aligned left Aligned right Align left Alignment Align right Align text Align text right Align tool Alive and smiling All caps All DOS commands Alliance Promotion Alliance Semiconductor Allied Telesis Alligator clip All-in-1 All in 1 computer All-in-One All-in-One computer All-in-One desktop computer All-in-One printer All Linux commands All MS-DOS commands Allo Allocate Allocation Allocation unit Allow list All rights All-to-all All your base are belong to us Aloha ALOL Alpha Alphabet Alphabetic Alphabetically Alphabetical order Alphabetical text Alphabetic keys Alphabetic order Alphabetic sort Alphabet, Inc. Alphabetize Alphabet keys Alpha channel Alpha geek Alphanumeric Alphanumerical Alphanumerical keys Alphanumeric characters Alphanumeric keys Alphanumeric mode Alpha software Alpha test Alpha testing Alpha Waves Alpine Alpine Linux Alps Also known as Alt Alt+A Altair Altair 8800 Altair 8800 kit Altair BASIC Alt attribute Alt+B Alt bit Alt+C Alt code Alt+Ctrl+Del Alt+D Alt+E Altec Lansing Alt+End Alt+Enter Alternate Alternate current Alternate key Alternate text Alternating current Alt+Esc Alt+F Alt+F4 Alt+G ALTG Alt+H Alt+Home Alt+I Alt+Ins Alt-J Alt+J Alt+K Alt key Alt+L Alt left Alt+M Alt+N Alt+O Alto Aloha Network Alt+P Alt+Print Screen Alt+Q Alt+R Alt right Alt+S Alt shortcut keys Alt+Space Alt+Spacebar Alt+T Alt+Tab Alt tag Alt text Alt+U Alt+V Alt+W Alt+X Alt+Y Alt+Z ALU Aluminum heat sink Alwil Software |
A - M |
AM AMA AMAP Amazon Amazon Alexa Amazon assistant Amazon dot Amazon EC2 Amazon Echo Amazon Echo Auto Amazon Echo Dot Amazon Echo Input Amazon Echo Link Amazon Echo Link Amp Amazon Echo Look Amazon Echo Plus Amazon Echo Show Amazon Echo Spot Amazon Echo Sub Amazon EMR Amazon Fire OS Amazon Fire Phone Amazon Fire TV Amazon Fire TV Stick Amazon Flex Amazon Kindle Amazon Kinesis Amazon Machine Learning Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon Music Amazon Prime Amazon Prime day Amazon Prime music Amazon Prime photos Amazon Prime video Amazon SageMaker Notebooks Amazon Silk Amazon tablet Amazon web services Amber AmbiCom Holdings Ambient Ambient computing Ambient intelligence Ambient light Ambient music Ambient noise Ambient occlusion Ambient sound Ambient Technologies Ambient temperature AMBW AMD AMD64 AMD chipset AMD laptop AMD personal computer AMD processor AMD Ryzen American Megatrends American National Standards Institute American Standard Code for Information Interexchange America Online AMI AMIBIOS AMIBIOS BIOS Amicable Numbers Amiga AML AMLCD AMOLED Amp Ampere Ampersand Ampersat Amplifier Amplify Amplitude Amplitude modulation Amptron AMR AM radio AMR slot Amstrad Amtrade |
A - N |
Analog Analog Devices Analog display service interface Analog loopback Analog modem Analog monitor Analog signals Analog television Analog-to-digital converter Analog-to-digital port Analogue Analytical Engine Analytics Anamorphic Anamorphic DVD Anamorphic widescreen Anchor Anchor link Anchor point Anchor tag Anchor text Ancient computer And And gate And operator Andrew file system Android Android app Android Auto Android Beam Android cell phone Android computer Android Cupcake Android Debug Bridge Android device Android Donut Android Eclair Android emulator Android File Transfer Android Froyo Android Gingerbread Android Honeycomb Android Ice Cream Sandwich Android Jelly Bean Android K Android KitKat Android laptop Android launcher Android Layer Android Lollipop Android M Android Market Android N Android Nexus Android notebook Android Open Source Project Android operating system Android Oreo Android OS Android OS versions Android Package File Android Pay Android phone Android rooting Android smartphone Android smartwatch Android store Android tablet Android TV Android watch Android Wear ANFAWFOWS ANFSCD Angelfire Angle bracket Angled bracket Angled quotes Angle of view Angstrom Angstrom Microsystems ANI Animate Animated Animated GIF Animated graphics Animated image Animated picture Animation Animation:Master Animation software Animator Anime Unleashed Animoji Ankle biter ANN Annodex Annual compliance report Anonymity Anonymous Anonymous coward Anonymous e-mail Anonymous forum Anonymous FTP Anonymous surfing Anonymous web surfing Ans ANSI ANSI art Ansible ANSI Common Lisp ANSI packs ANSI standard Ansi.sys Ansi text file Answer mode Answers Answer set programming Antec Ante meridiem Antenna Antialias Anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing filter Anti-glare computer screen Anti-glare filter Anti-glare LCD screen Anti-glare screen Antikythera Antikythera mechanism Anti-malware Anti-piracy software Anti-spam Anti-spyware Antistatic Antistatic bag Antistatic device Antistatic mat Antistatic pad Antistatic spray Antistatic strap Antistatic wrist band Antistatic wrist strap Anti-vibration mount Antivir Antiviral Antiviral program Antivirus Antivirus killer Antivirus program Antivirus scanner Antivirus software Antonym Anycast Any day now AnyDesk Any key Anyone |
A - O |
AOAS AOB AoE AOL AOL AIM AOL inc AOL instant messenger AOMEI Backupper AOP AOpen AOSP |
A - P |
APA Apache Apache Cassandra Apache Hadoop Apache HTTP server project Apache Micro Peripherals Apache OpenOffice Apache server Apache Subversion Apache web server APA format APA style APC Aperture Aperture grille Aperture Priority AE Aperture size Aperture value Apevia Apex Data Systems Apex Legends API APIC APIPA APK A-Plus APM Apogee Apollo Apostrophe App App bar App bloat App commands App drawer App emulator Append Append symbol Append virus App Engine App launcher Apple Apple ][ Apple 1 Apple 2 Apple AirPlay Apple AirPods Apple Airport Apple app Apple app store Apple CarPlay Apple cell phone Apple cloud Apple command key Apple computer Apple desktop bus Apple DOS Apple DOS 3.1 Apple earbuds Apple EarPods Apple event Apple FaceTime Apple Gatekeeper Apple HomePod Apple I Apple, IBM, and Motorola Apple iBook Apple ID Apple II Apple Inc Apple iOS Apple iPad Apple iPhone Apple iPod Apple iTunes Apple iWatch Apple key Apple laptop Apple Lisa Apple Mac Apple Macintosh Apple Macintosh operating system Apple macOS Apple Mail Apple Menu Apple mobile operating system Apple Music Apple Newton Apple Newton MessagePad Apple operating system Apple OS Apple Pay Apple payments Apple pencil Apple phone Apple Safari AppleScript Apple smartwatch Apple Swift Applet Apple tablet AppleTalk AppleTalk session protocol Apple tax Apple Touch Bar Apple Touch Icon Apple-touch-icon.png Applet tag Apple TV Apple TV+ Apple TV set Apple vs. PC Apple wallet Apple Watch Apple WatchOS Apple Worldwide Developer conference Application Application file Application firewall Application gateway Application icon Application key Application layer Application layer multicasting Application program Application programming interface Application proxy Application server Application service provider Application software Application-specific integrated circuit Application store Application System/400 Application window App purchase Apps Apps & features Apps Hungarian notation App software App store App streaming App Tab April fool's joke Apropos APS Tech APT Apt-cache Apt-get Aptitude APU |
A - Q |
A - R |
Ar Arc Arch ArchBang Linux ArchBSD ArchHurd Archie Archie site Architectural design software Architecture Archival backup Archive Archive attribute Archive file Archive website Archivos de programa Arch Linux Arch Linux ARM Arch Memory Archos Arc Mouse ARCnet Ar command Arctic Arc Touch Bluetooth Mouse Arc Touch Mouse Arduino Arduino Duemilanove Arduino shield Area Area code Areal density Area of Effect Area tag A record Arena Arescom Are you Are you male or female Are you there Arg AR goggles Argument Aria Arithmetic Language version 0 Arithmetic logic unit Arithmetic mean Arithmetic operator ARK Logic ARLL Arm ARM chips ARM Holdings ARM processor Arobase AROS AROS research operating system AROS Vision ARP ARPA ARPANET ARQ Arquivo de Programas Array Array of pointers Arrow Arrow keys Arrow left Arrow right Art Artec Artecon Article tag Artifacts Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence platform Artificial neural network Artificial watermark ArX |
A - S |
AS AS/400 ASAFP As a matter of fact Asana ASAP As a service ASC2 Ascend Ascender Ascending Ascending order Ascending sort ASC Games ASCII ASCII Art ASCII character ASCII character set ASCII chart ASCII code ASCII number ASCII printer ASCII string ASCII table ASCII text ASCII values As command Asdf Asdfjkl Asdfjkl; As early as possible Aseprite As far as I can see As far as I can tell As far as I know As far as I recall Asheron's Call ASIC Aside tag Asiliant Technologies Asix Ask Askey Ask Jeeves Ask me anything Ask toolbar A/S/L As late as possible ASLMH A/S/L/P ASM ASME ASMR ASN ASN.1 Asound ASP Aspect engineering Aspect-oriented programming Aspect ratio Aspell Asperand ASPI Aspire International AspireOS ASP.NET ASP programming Aspx ASR Asrock Assembler Assembly Assembly language Assign Assistant Assoc Associated Association Association for Computing Machinery Associative array Associative memory Associative operation As soon as possible AST AST Computer Astec Asterisk Asterisk symbol [email protected] AST Research Astro ASUS ASUS Express Gate Asx file Asymmetric Asymmetrical Asymmetrical connection Asymmetric digital subscriber line Asymmetric DSL Asymmetric encryption Asymmetric multi-processing Async Asynchronous Asynchronous cellular automata Asynchronous circuit Asynchronous data Asynchronous DRAM Asynchronous I/O Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Asynchronous method dispatch Asynchronous programming Asynchronous transfer mode Asynchronous transmission Asynchrony |
A - T |
AT ATA ATA-1 ATA-2 ATA-3 ATA-4 ATA-5 ATA-6 ATA-7 ATA cable A tag ATA/IDE Atanasoff Atanasoff-Berry Computer ATAPI ATAPI-2 ATAPI-3 ATAPI-4 ATAPI-5 ATAPI-6 ATAPI drive ATAPI interface Atari Atari Portfolio Atari ST AT attachment packet interface ATB AT bus ATC AT-class system AT Conference Aten ATEOTD ATF Athlon Athlon XP ATI Atime ATI Radeon ATI Technologies At key AT keyboard AT keyboard connector Atlas Peripherals Atlassian ATM Atmadm Atmel ATM machine AT motherboard A-to-D port Atom ATRAC A-Trend At scale AT sign ATST AT style connector AT symbol AT&T ATT Attach Attached Resource Computer network Attach file Attaching a file to an e-mail Attaching file Attachment Attachment unit interface Attack Attack of the Show Attack vector Attenuation Attenuation crosstalk ratio Attenuator At the end of the day At the moment Atto ATTO Technology Attr Attrib Attribute ATW ATX ATX-2 ATX-2 connector ATX board ATX expansion cards ATX form factor ATX motherboard ATX power connector ATX style connector |
A - U |
Auction Auction sites Auction website Audacity Audible Audio Audio adapter Audioblog Audio board Audiobook Audio card Audio CD Audio chipset Audio codec Audio Codec '97 Audio connector Audio controls Audio conversion device Audio device Audio digitizer Audio driver Audio editor Audio file Audio format Audio header Audio in Audio jack Audio/modem riser Audio out Audio out jack Audio output device Audiophile Audio port Audio software Audio speaker Audio tag AUDIOTRAK Audio/Video input Audio Video Interleave Augmented reality AUI AUP Aureal Auroracoin Aurora Tech Aus.Linx Authenticating Authentication Authenticode Author Authoring program Authoring software Authorize Authorized access Authorized reseller Authorized service provider Auto Auto answer Auto Area Segmentation AutoCAD Autocomplete AutoCorrect AutoCorrect feature Autodesk Autodesk Vault Autoexec Autoexec.bat Auto exposure lock Autofill AutoFit Autofocus AutoFormat AutoFormatting Autohide AutoHotkey Autologon Automata-based programming Automate Automated phone system Automated system recovery Automated System Recovery Wizard Automated teller machine Automated unit testing Automatic Automatic acoustic management Automatic exposure Automatic Number Identification Automatic page break Automatic repeat request Automatic response Automatic Skip Driver Agent Automatic speech recognition Automatic updates Automatic voice recognition Automatic voice response Automatic voltage regulator Automatic web scraping Automation Automaton Automattic Automobile Autonet Autonomous Autonomous system Autonomous system number Auto operator AutoPlay AutoRecover Auto restart Auto robot Auto rotate AutoRun Autosave AutoSum AutoText AUX Auxiliary connection Auxiliary connector Auxiliary device Auxiliary storage |
A - V |
AV Available toner or ink Avalon Interactive Avast Avast antivirus Avatar Avaya AVC Average Average formula Average seek time AVG AVG Technologies AVI Avid Avid 3D Avid Unity ISIS A/V input Avira AVM AVR AVS |
A - W |
Award Award BIOS Away from computer Away from keyboard Away from screen Awk AWOL AWS AWST |
A - X |
Axis Axle |
A - Y |
A - Z |
Azerty Azerty keyboard Aztech Azure Azure Stream Analytics Azureus |
Ultron Voice Changer
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Take your voiceovers from good to great. In the following video tutorial you’ll pick up four handy techniques for upping the quality of your VO.
As a filmmaker or video professional there’s a good chance you record voiceovers…a lot. Whether it’s for a corporate video or a podcast, getting great audio is crucial for making your work more professional.
Adobe Audition Robot Voice
Adobe Audition offers powerful tools to improve your voiceovers, even if the original recording was less than perfect. The following tutorial by YouTuber Mike Russell demonstrates four techniques to take your audio to the next level:
Adobe Audition Robot Voice 2020
- Assigning Hotkeys
- Equalizing
- Normalizing
- Dynamics Rendering
This video was first shared by Mike Russell on his YouTube channel. Thanks for sharing Mike!
If you are interested in learning more about correcting audio issues in Audition check out the following resources:
Youtube Adobe Audition
Have any other tips for cleaning up vocals? Share in the comments below.